Thursday, April 4, 2013


                ‘Happywood’ adalah hutan subur dengan berbagai macam tumbuhan tumbuh lebat. Pohon besar, rerumputan hijau, sungai dengan air bersih yang mengalir, semua ada. Happywood juga merupakan tempat hewan- liar berkembang biak serta mempertahankan hidup mereka dan meneruskan keturunan. Salah satu mayoritas hewan penghuni Happywood adalah kuda. Mereka hidup subur di Happywood karena tempat itu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka sehar-harinya.
                Kuda-kuda di sana hidup bahagia hingga pada suatu hari lahir seekor kuda yang dapat dibilang tidak normal karena ia berbeda. Tilly namanya. Bulunya berwarna putih, itu adalah hal normal untuk seekor kuda, banyak kuda di Happyood juga berwarna putih, hal yang membuatnya berbeda adalah Tilly mempunyai sebuah tanduk berbentuk spiral berukuran sedang yang terletak di dahinya, ia hanya memiliki satu tanduk. Selain berbeda dengan spesiesnya, ia juga berbeda dengan makhluk lain yang tinggal di sana karena jarang-jarang ada hewan yang memiliki satu tanduk. Kejadian seperti ini bahkan tak pernah terjdi sebelumnya di Happy wood. Dan itulah mengapa sebabnya kuda-kuda lain menjauhi Tilly.
                Suatu hari, Tilly merenung sendiri di pinggir sungai, menatap bayangan wajahnya di air, meratapi perbedaannya dengan makhluk satu spesiesnya. Bukan hanya itu yang membuat Tilly sedih tetapi orangtuanya sudah pergi berkelana. Itulah apa yang dilakukan kuda dewasa.
Dari jauh, Tilly sudah bisa mendengar suara riuh teman-teman seusianya yang sedang bermain mendekati sungai. Poppy, Splashie dan Beano. Mereka bertiga berhenti sejenak saat melihat Tilly yang sedang duduk di  tepi sungai.
“Sebaiknya, kita tidak bermain di sini” kata si kuda coklat, Beano.
“Dia berbeda, siapa tahu dia akan melukai kita” timpal Poppy si kuda poni.
“Aku tahu, makannya sebaiknya kita cepat-cepat menjauh” sambung kuda putih lainnya, Splashie.
                Mereka bertiga akhirnya pergi menjauhi Tilly. Kuda itu menghela nafasnya dengan berat.
“Kenapa aku berbeda? Kenapa aku tidak sama dengan lainnya?” Gumam Tilly dengan kesal.
Secercah cahaya muncul dari permukaan air tepat di hadapan Tilly. Wujudnya sesosok wanita bersayap yang berpendar dengan sepasang sayap di punggungnya, ia mengenakan gaun berwarna putih. Ukurannya hampir mirip dengan kurcaci yang berarti lebih kecil dari Tilly.
“Siapa kau? Kau Dewi?” Tanya Tilly penuh penasaran. Untungnya, Tilly tidak menyimpan rasa takut ketika sosok itu datang.
“Aku bukan Dewi, aku peri air Tilly. Namaku Fiona dan aku datang kemari untuk memberitahumu sesuatu,” jawab si peri air tersenyum. Ekspresi Tilly langsung murung.
“Memberitahu apa? Kalau aku berbeda? Aku juga sudah tahu,” keluhnya.
Peri air tersenyum mengangkat dagu Tilly yang sedang menunduk. “Bukan, memberitahumu bahwa kau spesial,” jelasnya.
“Kau mungkin tak bisa berkelana karena kau takut dengan kenyataannya bahwa kau berbeda. Tapi sesungguhnya kau bisa membuat hal yang membuat seluruh makhluk di dunia tersenyum”
“Sungguh? Apa?” Tanya Tilly antusias.
“Sesungguhnya aku tidak bisa memberitahumu sepenuhnya. Aku hanya akan memberi bocoran kalau kau bisa terbang dan melakukan sesuatu di atas sana” kata si peri air.
“Yang benar saja? Bagaimana caranya? Aku bukan kuda bersayap yang bernama pegasus” kata Tilly.
“Sungguh, kau bisa mencobanya lari sedikit, tanamkan kepercayaan bahwa kau bisa terbang, tutup matamu lalu terbang. Dan kalau kau mau tahu nama spesiesmu. Unicorn artinya satu tanduk” kata peri air memberitahu.
“Aku akan mencobanya sekarang” seru Tilly bersemangat.
                Peri air tersenyum melihat unicorn itu mempunyai semangat yang besar juga. Tilly mulai berlari kecil, lalu ia menutup matanya dan meyakini bahwa dirinya bisa terbang walau tanpa sayap. Perlahan, Tilly merasa bahwa kakinya sudah tidak menyentuh permukaan tanah. Tilly membuka matanya dan melihat kalau dirinya sudah berada di atas. Peri air menyemangatinya dari bawah, seulas senyum atau mungkin senyum asli yang pertama terukir di wajah Tilly. Sesaat kemudian, ia tidak bisa menjaga keseimbangan dan akhirnya jatuh kembali ke tanah.
“Kau harus sering berlatih,” kata peri air tertawa kecil. Tilly hampir merona dibuatnya.
“Terima kasih, aku akan terus mencoba” balas Tilly.
“Bagus. Hanya sedikit pesanku, berhati-hatilah. Diluar sana terlalu banyak bahaya-“
“Kau mau ke mana?” Seru Tilly ketika melihat peri air hampir kembali ke dalam air.
“EH, aku sudah dipanggil. Berhati-hati dan semoga beruntung, unicorn. Jagan takut menjadi berbeda” teriak si peri air hingga akhirnya ia kembali lagi ke asalnya.
                Sejak saat itu Tilly mulai tidak takut lagi menjadi berbeda. Ia pulang ke perkampungan kuda lalu menyebut-nyebut kalau ia adalah unicorn yang membuat kuda-kuda lain berpikir bahwa Tilly sudah gila. Tilly selalu berlatih namun peri air tak pernah datang lagi padanya hingga ia dewasa dan siap untuk berkelana. Semangat itu menjadi pudar tergantikan oleh keraguan Tilly terhadap kemampuannya sendiri.
                “Aku akan mencoba. Aku akan mulai berkelana” gumam Tilly pada dirinya sendiri.
Seiring berjalannya waktu serta tempat yang pernah Tilly kunjungi. Ia sadar bahwa bukan hanya ia satu-satunya unicorn di dunia ini, ia menemukan banyak teman dan hal itu membuatnya tak kesepian. Namun sayang Tilly belum bisa menemukan apa yang mampu ia perbuat hingga membuat semua makhluk di dunia ini tersenyum.
                Nasihat untuk berhati-hati yang peri air Fiona sampaikan-namun tak diceritakan- ternyata juga merupakan ancaman yang benar-benar serius untuk bangsa unicorn. Manusia mulai memburu unicorn karena menurut rumor dan isu yang disebarkan oleh manusia, darah unicorn dapat membuat manusia hidup abadi. Bayangkan saja siapa yang tidak tertarik.
“Kenapa kau terlihat murung?” Tanya Izzy, teman baru Tilly.
“Aku unicorn payah, aku tak bisa berbuat apa-apa” jawab Tilly sedih.
“Tilly menjadi unicorn itu bukan tentang apa yang kau bisa lakukan untuk orang lain. Hal pertama yang harus kau lakukan adalah mulai percaya pada keajaibanmu sendiri.” Balas Izzy tersenyum.
“Baiklah, bagaimana kalau sekarang kita terbang?” Ajak Tilly. Izzy mengangguk kemudian mereka terbang.
                Jejak terbang mereka menyisakan warna-warna indah di langit selepas hujan. Pelangi. Warna yang dibuat oleh unicorn ketika mereka terbang melintasi angkasa. Itulah sebabnya pelangi sangat jarang muncul, karena unicorn juga sudah banyak diburu oleh manusia.

makes no sense. i know. this is still bad, i know. but however if you're going to repost this. give credit please.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

REGRET (Fabrevans fanfiction)

            Abracadabra. Yes, if only there is a magic nowadays, i bet she would go back to the time when she used to laugh and be cheerful whole day. But, poorly, there is no magic in reality.
            William McKinley High School, still looks crowded with the students activities afterschool, no exception with that blonde girl who sat in the corner room. She packed her bag after she had finished her task, then she went out the class, walked alone through the corridor to the music room, with the scowl in her face. Though she knew that she was late, she still walk slowly.
“I’m sorry i’m late” she said behind the opened door. Everybody was looking at her.
“Go ahead” told Mr. Will, she even floated to the chair beside her firend.
            Even the bright light of that star was about to vanished. Quinn Fabray, the head of cheerleader team in William McKinley High School, or used to call ‘Cheerios’. Blonde hair with a sweet face and flirty smile. She’s every boys’ teenage dream. Who don’t want to be her boyfriend? Exactly all of the WMHS will do everything just to be her boyfriend. But unfortunately, her heart was exactly fall for someone who already hurted by her and he don’t want to comeback along with her. Not the popular talented boy, Finn Hudson. No, he already Rachel’s. He was the transferred student. Sam Evans. Yes, he was Quinn’s boyfriend or exactly Quinn’s ex-boyfriend.
Sam was already sit down in the corner chair in the music room when Quinn entered the room. They were about to hold a choir rehearsal for the William McKinley Festival Week.
“I think we should do this on a group and on a duet” said Mr. Will.
“I will give this chance to Sam and Quinn” Finn replied. “and i think they should singing the song that was they sung together. Lucky” Santana added. “furthermore, they have a strong chemistry” Rachel said with her cheerful face.
“Hell no, we don’t have any chemistry” Quinn yelled, made the whole class looking at her. Then she’s only silent after the people in class was gave her a sight like a “what are you talking about Quinn”. But Mercedes only stood there and just be silence as Quinn did. She have heard about the rumour that Mercedes and Sam are get closer. If she wanted Sam to get back with her. It sounds greedy because it’s like took him from Mercedes, otherwise she was took Finn from Rachel and she was like i don’t care if you’re hurt.
“This is fix, i think you both should have a duet. Rachel and Finn is already a senior. So i thought you will be the next great duet” said Mr. Will.
After the group rehearsal. Quinn and Sam stood in the front of another students in that room. They stood awkwardly. Deep down in her heart, Quinn get kinda very excited of this duet. But she tought this is gonna make her and Sam be more awkward than they used to be. Also Sam, actually maybe he is still in love with Quinn deep in his heart. But only he still hurt so he don’t wanna be related with Quinn anymore, right then.
The music starts playing, Sam started playing his guitar, he sang just like the way he used to sing there is no changes between the way they sing, only they didn’t get their chemistry this time.
“No, this can’t even. Can you guys perform the perfect performance?” Mr. Will said with his dissapointed face. Sam sighed, they sat again to the chair and didn’t talk anything else again.
“please Mrs. Sue, give me a chance and a bit longer time” Quinn begged to her cheerleading coach, Mrs. Sue Sylvester. Santana gave her a sarcasm look.
“this is the last chance for you. I won’t give it anymore” Mrs. Sue rolled her eyes, seemed like she’s tired enough to give a chance to the three cheerios more and more. A smile carved in Quinn’s face, she went out from Sue’s room after thanked her for one last chance.
“why the hell you choose the glee over cheerios?” Santana start to yelled but Quinn ignore her.
“Quinn, i can’t believe that you choose Glee over Cheerios” Brittany repeated what has been Santana said.
“just a little bit longer. Please” said Quinn with his miserable face then leave her two friends.
            She decided to went out and going to the coffee store just only to bought a cup of coffee to relaxing herself. The day began dark, night came along with the shining stars in the sky. Quinn still wait a taxi to get home, but then she realized there was someone stood next to her. It’s Sam. She almost freaking out, outside maybe she looked like express the usual expression but down in her heart, she can’t help but smile.
            Sam look right into her beautiful eyes, he also didn’t show any happy expression, he hide his feeling. They still stood in the awkward moment, in the silence and only both of them there, no one else. The wind blowing slowly, there is a desire from their heart to comeback along. Situation suddenly become such as sadly situation.
“I wanna be with you Sam” Quinn automatically said those things. Sam looks surprised.
“Quinn, forget it. Okay?” there is no more chance for me. Quinn whispered in her heart. It was exactly not easy to said “forget it” when you know you still love her, when you know you still wanna try and that’s what Sam feels then.
Her eyes were about to tears, but she hide it from Sam.
            She still remember when she don’t even care about the choir group, when she and the two other entered the Glee club only for being a spy for Sue and for destroyed Glee, but then she realized, because all of them loved and supported her through all the drama, they made her stronger and standing by herself. She can’t even destroy Glee although eventually she will choose Cheerios and come back to there.
“Barbie met Ken” that what was Santana said when she was dating Sam. The two blonde, one beautiful and other is looks adorable. They’re perfect in every eay actually.
            Rebound of piano melodies reverb in that room, a blonde girl with her cheer uniform is sat right there, in front of piano and began to play it. She was exactly singing but her mind was blowing up somewhere, she remember those memories were never fade. The first time when she met her Ken. When she helped him to clean up his body from the slushie, when he gave her a promise ring–she actually upset that she didn’t use it anymore-, the first time they do a duet, first time he sang for her, their first date, when they were dating and she certainly cheated on him. She feel sorry about herself, those memories keep staying in her mind and made her exactly about to cry. Plus the reality is when the best part of her was only exist when she with Sam.
“you make it easier when life gets hard” she sang that part with her voice in the throat that start to feel ache. Her eyes began to tears and she cana’t help it anymore but cried.
“lucky i’m in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where i have been, lucky to be coming home again” Quinn feel surprised and she stopped singing when she heard somebody already carry on the song. Guess who? It was Sam sang with his guitar while entered the room. He smiled when he saw Quinn.
They ended the duet then Sam walked and sat beside Quinn.
“Why?” Quinn asked with her confused face.
“I don’t know, i love you” said Sam while he wiped Quinn’s tears.
“but you said i have to forget it” although she was kinda the naugty girl, but this time she showed her innocent face.
“no, don’t. I can’t. I love you so badly. I still wanna try with you, i love you through this all and no matter what” Quinn starts to understood what did Sam said. “otherwise, i want you to be the cheerful Quinn” he added.
Quinn still mused about what just he said. She can’t even believe this, the reality that Sam is still love her and want her so badly. All what crossed in her mind right then is “how can i was cheated on him? He such the best man in my life”
“i didn’t see you were the love of my life and it was kill me. ” Quinn said while she’s sobbing in Sam’s shoulder.
“what the matter now is i’m yours and you’re mine”
No words anymore, Sam grabbed her cheeks and kissed her softly as what they were did.
            God made no mistakes, there is always a way behind every faults that we have made, maybe he sent the right people to make us right. The regret is not enough, you have to fix it and will never repeat it anymore in the future. 

ps: i don't know a lot about glee but i love them, this only fanfiction version of me,sorry if there are some grammatical errors, tee-hee. enjoy ;-)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Moving On

some people think and they said it is easy to through the pain you have. but it's not as easy as they said. it's not about only how to letting him/her go but it's also how to not to come back to the past. the things that keep reminds you of the past is all those memories you've had. for the boy usually, this way is too much easy and i have no idea why, but for the girl especially who had been hurted, this is too hard to do. don't try too hard but don't ever look back too. here are some tips from me to moving on from your crush or the pain.
1. try to be opened. with this way, you might be meet and come closer with some girl/boy, so you can forget your crush at least for a while.
2. don't ever look back. you've lost something that not even yours, so keep thinking that you'll be have the god future and the good tomorrow.
3. keep yourself busy. you might be have some positive activities such as do a sports, music or anything else, even just to hanging out with your friends you can forget your crush.
4. don't stay up at night. stay up at night might be suddenly remind you of your crush so be careful if you're going to up at night, don't ever thinking over about your crush.
5. forget the memories. maybe this is the hardest thing to do. forget those memories is not as easy as they said. this means you have to not to going to the place that reminds you of your crush, or somewhere or do something reminds you of them. just no.
6. make it comfort. make the comfort situation whenever you at. in this part, you have to be comfortable with new friends that can keep you come closer.
7. think about his bad habits. yeah, with this way you have to think that he has a bad habit that maybe can hurt you. such as if he's too cold or something like he's like to fart and you gets irritated.

well this is too short but seriously, don't try too hard but don't look at back. this thing might be help you but i know this is still far away from the perfectness, lol. thanks

Facts and Myths about acne


1)      Acne is caused by certain foods you eat.  This is a myth. Food does not cause acne. Scientists have been unable to find a substantial connection between diet and acne.

2)      Sun exposure can help clear up acne.   This is a myth. Small amounts of sun exposure can initially improve acne, but continuous exposure to the sun will actually clog up pores even more, producing blackheads, white heads, and small pimples. So be sure to always use sunscreen – and find a non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) product if you are prone to getting acne. 

3)      Since acne is not a serious health threat, there is really no reason to treat it.                                                                                                                          This is a myth. Acne can significantly affect the way people feel about themselves, which can cause low self-esteem and even depression. 

4)      The more you wash your face each day, the greater chance you have that your acne will clear up quickly.    This is a myth. It is recommended that acne-prone skin be washed only 2 times per day to remove any excess oil and dead skin cells. Too much washing can irritate the skin and make matters worse. So wash twice a day, using a gentle cleanser that is oil-free and water-based. 

5)      Excessively drying out the skin is the best way to prevent acne outbreaks.  This is a myth. You do not want your skin to be too dried out because skin can start to peel and dead skin can build up, causing pores to clog. Excessive oil can contribute to acne, but it is important that your skin has a certain amount of moisture. That said, an important part of your skin regimen is using a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic on a daily basis. 


1)      It is not a good idea to pick or squeeze pimples and blemishes.  This is a fact. Picking or squeezing can cause infection and scarring. Most acne will clear up on its own with having to resort to this. And if it doesn’t, then see your doctor or dermatologist rather than resorting to pimple popping. 

2)      Removing your make-up before going to bed and avoiding wearing any kinds of heavy make-up can help prevent acne from flaring up.   This is a fact. Powder cosmetics are recommended over cream products because they are less irritating to the skin. And going to sleep with make-up on can clog your pores. In addition, be sure to throw out old make-up and watch any make-up brushes and applicators regularly with soapy water to help keep your skin clear. 

3)      Being aware of what touches your skin is important in preventing acne from flaring up.   This is a fact. Keep your hair clean and off your face. Avoid resting your hands or objects such as telephone receivers on your face. And remember that tight-fitting clothes and hats can contribute to acne, especially if you wear these items during workouts or activities where you will be sweating. 

4)      It is important to shower as soon as possible after exercising or doing strenuous work to help keep acne in control.   This is a fact. Oil and sweat on your skin can trap dirt and bacteria, which can then lead to acne flare-ups.

5)      There is no cure for acne.   This is a fact. There are various kinds of treatments that can help to prevent and control acne, but there is no cure. What this means is that if you are prone to acne, you will need to keep up a treatment regimen that will help to keep your skin clear even once your acne is visibly reduced. This may include using products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredients, or in some severe cases taking oral prescription medications.

hope this can help you :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pedagang Asongan Itu Seorang Guru

Aku berjalan cepat menyusuri trotoar berjalan bersampingan dengan Dita-sahabat karibku- melangkah menuju halte bis. Hari sudah mulai sore dan kami masih memakai seragam putih abuku. Kami langsung  duduk diatas bangku begitu sampai di halte. Beribu pikiran bertautan di otakku, mulai masalah rumah hingga di sekolah yang semuanya membuatku nyaris menyerah dan membenci hidup ini dan membenci semua orang. Seorang gadis kecil berpenampilan kusut berdiri dihadapanku dengan membawa kotak berisi banyak barang dagangan semacam rokok, permen dan lainnya. Gadis itu pedagang asongan.
“Kak, beli minumnya kak?” katanya sambil menawariku dan Dita sebotol minuman.
“Gak de, makasih” kataku singkat, terkesan sedikit jutek. Dita menoleh kearahku dengan wajah memelasnya.
“Minumnya kak? Atau permennya?” katanya lagi
“Key, belilah kasian dia” kata Dita memohon.
“Gak ah Dit gue gak haus, lagian bisnya udah datang tuh” kataku menunjuk bis yang menghampiri kami, aku langsung menarik Dita masuk kedalam bis yang sesak dengan penumpang.
Aku menghela nafas beratku ketika kami duduk di kursi, mungkin ini hari keberuntungan, biasanya kami tak dapat tempat duduk dan akhirnya berdiri. Dita duduk disampingku, ia masih menatapku dengan tatapan melasnya. Memang Dita orangnya gak tegaan kalau melihat anak kecil seperti itu.
“Udah ah Dit, jangan kayak gitu. Palingan juga itu mah ada bosnya” kataku yang akhirnya membuat Dita mengalihkan pandangannya.
“Ah, Keyna mah jahat” katanya dengan nada merengek yang samar-samar bisa kudengar.
            Sepulang ekskul karya ilmiah aku langsung pulang sendirian, katanya Dita sakit demam hari ini, jadi terpaksa aku berangkat dan pulang sendiri. Pertengkaran mama dan papa semalam masih terngiang di benakku. Mengingat-ingat kejadian itu membuat sesuatu-ide yang mungkin buruk- terlintas di benakku. Tak pulang ke rumah mungkin akan membuat hal lebih baik, tapi aku tak benar-benar siap. Hal lain yang melintas adalah berhenti sekolah dan mencari kerja, buat apa sekolah, toh aku sudah pintar lagipula aku juga jago menguasai beberapa bahasa asing. Uang di tabunganku menjadi salah satu faktor yang mendukungku untuk pergi dari rumah. Mungkin sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat. Aku memutuskan untuk menunggu bis yang melaju ke arah Jakarta Timur, dan aku pergi ke halte bis yang berbeda dari biasanya.
Gadis kecil yang kemarin itu tiba-tiba muncul dihadapanku lagi.
 “Kakak kok pulangnya kesini?” tanyanya polos
“Iya dik” jawabku pendek.
“Loh kenapa kak? Oh ya, kakak mau beli minumnya gak?” tanyanya lagi, air mukanya menunjukkan kelelahan dan kepolosan, mungkin ia belum dapat uang hari ini.
“Dik, kamu kenapa bekerja sih? Kamu gak punyaorang tua?” selidikku. Gadis itu tersenyum manis sambil menunduk kebawah.
“Ibu sakit, Ayah sudah pergi, aku punya tiga adik, kak” jawabnya sambil tersenyum, aku bisa melihat kalau ini adalah senyum pedihnya.
“Nama kamu siapa? Umurnya berapa? Kamu gak sekolah?” tanyaku bertubi.
“Aku Mita, umurku sembilan tahun, sebenernya sih aku pengen sekolah kak” jawabnya.
“Coba kamu sini” kataku sambil menepuk-nepuk bangku kosong disampingku, seonggok rasa kasihan dan rasa ingin tahu menggerayungiku hinggaakhirnya aku memutuskan untuk mendengarkan ceritanya.
Karena aku anak tunggal, bisa dibilang aku di manja. Dulu waktu umurku sembilan tahun, aku masih bisa merengek untuk dibelikan ini itu, bahkan sampai SMA sekarang pun aku masih merengek dibelikan mobil sebagai kado ulang tahun.
“Aku kasihan sama Ibu, sama adik-adik kalau mereka gak makan” katanya pelan. “Makannya aku mending yang kerja” sambungnya mengakhiri cerita.
            Mendengar cerita Mita sampai malam begini membuatku sadar betapa kurang bersyukurnya aku. Aku masih punya orang tua yang lengkap walaupun mereka hobi sekali bertengkar tapi aku mungkin tahu bagaimana untuk mempersatukan mereka lagi. Aku tak perlu untuk bersusah payah sampai mengorbankan sekolahku hanya untuk mendapat sepeser uang. Dan betapa malunya aku disaat aku merengek meminta mobil, orang lain bahkan anak sekecil inipun masih bertahan hidup demi sesuap nasi.
 “Yaudah Mit, kakak beli minumnya nih” kataku sambil menukar uang dan botol minuman yang diberikan Mita. “Gak apa-apa, kembalinya buat kamu aja” sambungku begitu melihat Mita yang kaget saat aku memberikan selembaran uang seratus ribu rupiah.
“Ati-ati pulangnya ya, salam buat semua. Kapan-kapan kakak main ke rumah kamu ya” kataku tersenyum sambil mengusap-usap kepalanya. Mita mengangguk riang dan ia langsung berlari kecil menuju rumahnya dengan membawa uang yang sebenarnya tak seberapa.
Dari langkah-langkah kecil itu aku belajar caranya menghargai hidup dan semua yang aku punya.